Friday, 15 April 2011


Quote of the day;
“All of us are lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars.”– Oscar Wilde


It is very easy to get caught up in thinking about all the things I don’t have.
I wish for a romantic relationship.
I wish I am popular.
I wish I am lovely, adorable.
I wish that my parents would have buy me a car for my seventeenth birthday.

I waste an enormous amount of energy thinking about how much better things would be, if only.
If only I was taller. If only I was prettier, or thinner. If only my hair would grow longer. If only school was easier, or more fun, or nonexistent. If only I would have publish a book written by me, myself. If only I would be able to sing in from of thousands of audience. If only I would have enough money to explore the whole world. If only I would have a very close girl friend that I could hang out together with, shopping together, share our love stories, our problem.

But, I till now………..I never had any.

When I spend all of my time thinking about what I don’t have, I feel sad. When I spend time feeling grateful for the things I do have, I feel better.

It really is that simple. Gratitude is a natural antidepressant.

Sometimes when I am feeling down and a bit less than grateful, I will make a list, either in me head or on paper or even look myself in the mirror, of all the things I have to be thankful for. It takes only a few minutes, and it completely changes my mood.

Life treats me differently when I approach it from a grateful place. Starting and ending each day thinking about the things I am grateful for will improve my attitude and my life.

When a person thanks me for doing a favor for her, for helping her through a hard time, or for just being me, it makes me feel great. So when I am making my gratitude list, I’ll make sure my name is on it.

I’ll remember to be grateful for my abilities, for my personality, and most of all, I am grateful that I am who I am.

_to be continued_

-Andrea, 15th April 2011-

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